SVM 3G modem

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The advantages:

  • Control and monitoring of your technical systems
  • Combination of 3G internet modem and SMS alarm dialler
  • “Steady Connect” for extremely stable connections
  • Low communication costs compared to dialled connections 
  • Access to PLCs without needing to use the business network

SVM 3G modem

Modems are frequently utilized as a part of industry in spots where nearby specialized frameworks should be associated with a focal procedure PC/SCADA application. This procedure PC is utilized to work and read these nearby procedures.

Utilizing the SVM 3G modem, you are "dependably on line" with your applications in the field. The SVM's one of a kind "auto sign on" idea implies that the regularly complex 3G association innovation is disentangled to the standard modem innovation. In the event that the association fizzles, the framework changes consequently to GSM, so that status and caution data, for example, SMS alarms can be sent


Changing existing dialed modem associations with 3G remote web

The SVM is the correct item for essentially changing existing dialed modem associations with 3G versatile web. This for the most part requires no adjustments in the PLC on the grounds that the SVM can handle the current modem summons and utilize this to manufacture a steady remote web association. When the association is acknowledged, information from the PLC is perused by means of the RS232 port and sent to the SCADA application by means of 3G remote web. Any caution contacts/alert statuses can be associated with the SVM inputs. This implies the SVM additionally works as a caution dialler with SMS alarm. By methods for the implicit crisis control supply even power disappointment in the checked procedure is accounted for by SMS.


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*bij order waarde beneden de 450 euro 25 euro klein order toeslag!
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